Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Hunger Games

Have you read The Hunger Games yet?

If the answer is no, please step away from your computer screen immediately and don't return until you have finished the trilogy. I mean it. Suzanne Collins' dystopian trilogy is some of the best Young Adult fiction of recent years. Even if the thought of reading a YA series makes your skin crawl, please just drop any preconceived notions of the genre and read these books. I promise you that this is very different from The Babysitter's Club and other YA novels of yore.

Now, if you have read the series and are eagerly awaiting the movies like me, how awesome is this animated movie poster that was recently released?

Edit: I removed the poster since the auto-play was annoying me and taxing my ancient computer, if you would like to see it, check out the official press release.

Saaaaaaay Whaaaaaaaat? I told you it was awesome!

If you liked that you have got to see this fan created video.

Via The Mary Sue

I hope the official movies live up to this.

Is it March yet?


  1. Kate and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Hunger Games!!!!!!!!!

  2. Shari, glad to hear you guys enjoyed them, do you read much YA fiction?
