Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mission Icefly

A few weeks back I heard about a viral marketing event that occurred at Bonnaroo this year. During Primus' set the sky was filled with hundreds (thousands?) of blinking blue lights that slowly came to earth. You can see a video here. They ended up being paper helicopters with blue LEDs and a QR code that sent people to Mission Icefly.

I was intrigued, because I like pretty, sparkly and blue, so I immediately signed up to be a "Test Subject" and promptly forgot until I received this in today's mail:

It took me a minute to recall having signed up, but once I did I became less leery of the random black envelope and ripped it open to discover:

My own personal blinking LED helicopter thingy. Interesting...

I did a bit more investigating this afternoon and the Mission Icefly website has been updated with some cities and the following information:

ATTENTION TEST SUBJECTS: Starting at 00:00:00:00:000 we will need one volunteer in each of the listed locations to follow a signal.

• Bring a mobile phone with you (standard text messaging rates apply)
• You will need to use your online user name from during the mission (register here in advance)
• Only one package available per location (first come, first served) 

Unfortunately I am not in any of the listed cities, and the countdown ends today, so I will have to sit near my computer and hope that I haven't signed myself up for some bizarre alien experiments. I will be following this thread at unfiction to learn of my possible fate.

Most people tend to believe this is for Wrigley's 5ive brand of gum, so I am guessing I will be fine and in no more harm than a stick of gum could cause.

Update 4pm:

At 3pm the countdown ended and the page became this:

with creepy looping video of a blurry screen and mixed up audio with garbled dialogue and music.

That is, if you could get it to load, apparently the traffic to the site was more than anticipated. Eventually the video/audio version got taken down and a black screen with Orlando and New York City as links to PDFs appeared.



The NYC location was found first and yielded a black envelope containing a key and further directions.

No word yet on when the other cities PDFs will become viewable.

Update 4:30pm

The website was updated just now, Orlando is crossed off and NYC is credited as being found. Chicago, Boston, and Nashville now have PDFs.

The fellow who found the NYC package has added unwrapping photos on yfrog here. It's a black wooden box with "Human Preservation Project" stenciled in white on the lid. Inside is a metal and glass Icefly in a bell jar. Very interesting. I am thinking that the glass Icefly lights up.

Just as I was finishing this update the page was changed again, it now lists all locations, though not all PDFs are available.

Update 5:30pm

Video has been added back to the site and parts of the audio are now comprehendible. I was able to hear "We experience every second...through our selves....who and what we are is..." 

Information on the drops has slowed to a crawl. The Mission Icefly Flickr stream has photos of most of the finders and their Iceflys.

Some people are speculating that as more Iceflys are found, more of the video message becomes unscrambled. For now I am done with the minute to minute checking in, it's getting close to dinner time! I can't wait to come back and see what it all ends up being about! 

Update 10:30pm

Once all the Iceflys were found the official Twitter account for Mission Icefly tweeted:

Within the completely unlocked video single frames revealed that the full, ungarbled video was now posted at I first found this website on Twitter and have to admit that I had no clue how it applied to the rescue site when I first visited it, just that is was being tweeted with  #missionicefly.

Love that it features Terry O'Quinn. But now there is a new 14 day countdown....maybe I wont forget between now and then.

Also, check out You may still be able to sign up.

So, a little disappointed that the mystery hasn't been solved, but over the course of the day I went from semi interested because they sent me a pretty, flashy, blue thing to seriously now I need to know what this means, and oh yeah will it include more swag please k thanks. 

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