Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall TV, So Far- Thursday Nights

We are a couple of weeks into the Fall TV season and I think I am ready to weigh in on it.

So far we are managing with Hulu Plus and appointment TV. I have not been able to catch Pan Am yet, it's on Hulu Plus but only available via computer. Community is the same, but I have been making a point to sit down and watch that on Thursday nights. In fact, last night we rushed home from running some errands so we could catch Community. That never would have happened when we had the DVR, and I would have preferred to take my time and not get my sandwich to go last night.

Let's start with Thursday nights, we stick with NBC:

Community has been good so far this season, not great but I am sure it will pick up the pace as the season progresses. I, along with so many others on the internet, was thrilled when the show referenced it's version of Doctor Who, Inspector Space Time. It was inevitable that a show that is so aware of pop culture would dip a toe into the Whoniverse, and I was impressed with the way they did it. What better show to fill the gap in Abed's world then one that has 782 + episodes and 32 seasons? The internet has run with the concept of Inspector Space Time and has begun to create cannon for the series. For those not familiar with epic fandoms such as Doctor Who or Harry Potter I direct you to the entry for canon.

Parks and Recreation had been one of the shows that I have always "watched" but while doing something else. This season I am putting distractions aside and actually paying attention. What I have watched so far, I have enjoyed. I love Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope and I am willing to forgive Adam Scott for leaving Party Down for his role as Ben Wyatt. I can't wait to watch Leslie's campaign for city council.

I watch The Office, but I have never been a super fan. That said, I do not like James Spader's character Robert California. I think the build up to who would be the new boss was such a waste of time when they pull a switcheroo like they did, why even bother? I don't read any internet commentary about The Office, but even I could tell you that one of the current cast members was going to ultimately end up being the boss. I am enjoying Andy Bernard in the role, but the first few episode have bored me. I think blaming that on the lack of Steve Carrell is a cop out, most of my favorite story lines in past haven't even included Michael Scott. Where are those great secondary story lines this season?

I tweeted the other night that I was going to boycott Whitney because I was annoyed by the commercials from over the summer. I did eventually watch the first episode on Hulu and I think my earlier assessment was correct. I was not impressed. Whitney annoys me. The characters are too one dimensional. I gave it two episodes and I am out, which obviously means this show will continue for ten seasons.

That took longer than I expected, so I will continue my reviews of the non-Thursday night shows in another post. I promise I will begin to be more positive!

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